Creativity is not a mystery: how can science help us to create new ideas and to move on, when we are stuck

17. 9. 2021
pátek / Friday – seminar with workshop
9.00–13.00 (9 am – 1 pm)
Title: „Creativity is not a mystery: how can science help us to create new ideas and to move on, when
we are stuck“
Creative thinking is under scientific scrutiny for a long time. What does it mean to be a creative person? How do we create innovative ideas? What are the best conditions for creativity? Workshop will examine different stages of the creative process and explains how intrinsic motivation, purpose and self-regulation relate to creative performance. At the end, you’ll know how to guide yourself through the process of creating new ideas, how to monitor your progress and what to do when you are stuck for a long time.
Výukový jazyk / Language of seminar: anglický/English
Lectors: PhDr. Marek Urban, PhD. & Mgr. Kamila Urban, PhD.
Capacity for group work: 15 students / mail application is necessary (coordinator Faculty of Art and Design:; coordinator Faculty of Arts: