Our rowboat team in the third place in the university championship
It was the 18th of September on the river Vltava, where our all-female rowboat crew rowed all the way to the 3rd place. Our crew competed for a title of Academic masters in the 107th year of famous international Primátorky race. Yes, it really goes that back into our sport history. Unfortunately, we do not have the article translated, but with the little bit of Google’s help, you can get more information here. The UJEP crew consists of students from five faculties.
„It was the first time we competed in this race. Our girls were by far the youngest crew. Winning the 3rd place considering the circumstances is a great achievement,“ said Jakub Tkáč, the coach of our rowboat crew.
The UJEP crew trains in the small town Štětí, where we got a nice place to train thanks to the river Labe academy (Labská akademie).
„I think I speak for the whole crew when I say that the race was painful, but the result is totally worth it. We are glad that we could compete for our university in this year’s Primátorky race. It was an amazing experience,“ said Bára, one of the experienced crew-members. You can see our crew in action in this video.
The UJEP is full of talented athletes from various fields and disciplines. We now even have a center dedicated to professional athletes, that chose to study on the university, but still want to pursue their sport career at the same time.